Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jury deals with motorcycle accidents and manhood | Automotive News

Motorcycle accidentMotorcycles ?nd sex ?r? regularly thrown together ?n marketing ?nd everyday marketing. B?t ?t w?? th? darker side ?f th?t combination th?t earned a rider $ 7.5 million ?n a recent court case.

A ex- sailor ?nd ?t th? time, newlywed, won th? staggering h?rt? over a car crash ?n California th?t shortened h?? penis b? ?n inch ?nd a half. Th? accident occurred ?n 2007 wh?n Matthew Wall , 27, w?? riding h?? motorcycle t? work ?t th? US Navy submarine base ?n San Diego wh?n h? w?? struck b? a shuttle bus fr?m a nearby car showroom.

Th? circumstances w?ll sound gravely familiar t? riders w?th ?n? time ?n th? saddle. Th? jury heard th?t th? van twisted left ?n front ?f Wall wh? w?? unable t? avoid th? collision.

According t? information presented b? Wall?s attorney, th? van?s driver, Pedro Flores Miramontes, w?? a non-U.S. citizen wh? h?d ?n expired driver?s license ?nd h?d never b??n qualified ?? a shuttle driver.

Matthew Wall w?? thrown ?ff h?? motorcycle ?nd suffered a br??k ?f h?? pubic ramus bone ?nd a crushing injury t? h?? penis ?nd destruction t? th? nerve ?nd arteries ?f th? penis. Th? 27-year-ancient underwent reconstructive surgery th?t left h?? penis ?n inch ?nd half shorter th?n before th? accident.

S?n?? th? accident, Wall h?? left th? Navy ?nd ?? now divorced.

?It?s going t? affect h?? relationships ?nd h?? self-esteem ?n th? future,? Mr. Wall?s lawyer Nicholas Rowley t?ld th? San Diego Union Tribune, discussing th? accident.

Wall?s attorney h?? stated th?t ?t w?? uncertain ?f h?? client w??ld b? ?bl? t? h??? children b?????? ?f th? injury.

Navy soldiers and sailors enjoy safety motorcycle training

Navy soldiers ?nd sailors delight ?n protection motorcycle training

Th? jury ?n El Cajon, California, awarded h?m $ 7,553,000 ?n h?rt? ?? compensation f?r pain, suffering, medical bills ?nd loss ?f income.

A spokesman w?th th? defending automotive group ???? th?? ?l?t t? appeal th? verdict.


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