I'm looking for a literate partner that is willing to go on a grand adventure with me. :3 I am big fan of adventures and pudding. Who isn't? Anyways, here are some general things about me you should know!
+ I love writing. A lot. I love writing a lot. ;P I generally give back whatever my partner gives. If you give me 2000 words, I will definitely give you 2000 right back! I love pushing myself on these terms. But seriously. At least give be couple chunky paragraphs, with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. I will cry if you don't. And everyone knows I cry acid.
+ I'm pretty used to doubling, and I can do more than double, actually. THE MORE THE MERRRIERRRRRRR. But I always have to have some female characters, as my specialty is kickass girls. ;3 Even so, I write equally for both genders, and I'll probably expect the same for you. Though, if you don't need to play a girl, I'm fine with just two characters with a slew of side characters to make the plot more interesting. |3
+ I don't have limits, and I'm not easily disturbed. I don't mind violence or blood, as long as it's not a Saw movie or a porno every five minutes. Not to say I have anything against tastefully executed smut. >83 Heheheheheh.
/stop it you're scaring people
+ I like being friends with my partnerssss. Wheeee! 8D And I love plotting twists and huge shit-hits-the-fan moments. Drama! Angst! Despaiiirrr! GIVE THEM TO MEEEE.
+ I like romance, true to my username. But nothing instant, mmkayyyy? And dark, twisted romances are always cool, bro.
+ I am a highly visual, auditory person. ;D I like using some sort of artwork or pictures for characters, and I will often throw songs at you babbling about how it reminds me of this or that character/scene. xD
I have a lot of stuff that I enjoy, and in all honesty, if it moves I'll do--what? No? Wrong topic? AH. I meant, if it has an interesting plot, I'll do it disregarding setting. ;P
But anyways, here are some genres/fandoms/pairings/settings I really like:
+ Historical Fantasy, or Fantasy in general.
+ If you've anything to do with the beautifully cruel and morally ambiguous Fae and their habit of kidnapping people, I will LOVE YOU TO LITTLE BITS. I mean, Changelings, magic, faeries, curses, oaths, glamour, alternative dimensions...what else could one ask for? 83
+ Anything with mythology in it. :3
+ Twisted fairy tales. >83
+ Anything like forbidden love and conflicting interests...interest me. ;P
I think I'm running out of things to list, though it's actually pretty expansive in my head. ;D Please post here or shoot me a pm if you're interested! Ciao!
- rose+thorn
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway
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